(())January 28, 2023 Update


As you've probably noticed, everything about the site has changed. I hope you all enjoy the new layout and find it easier to maneuver than the previous version(s). I probably will not be reposting any of the elder blog posts and some sections may be added later on, but the major layout likely will not change for a while. The repo contains all the site's code and images and is licensed under the GPL 3.0; I encourage use of the code to help build any projects you want especially if you're just learning HTML and CSS. Thanks to Jasper who wrote a lot of the fancier stuff like the tree and auto-updating copyleft text. Special thanks to Nyx who I have -admittedly- taken a lot from; including but not limited to this gif from b0x.

Risen from its own ashes, comes forth arv0mastersite! ARRRVO is still dead, but the site has been revived from a simple redirect here to an archive of some old things I want to keep up but also off-site (so far just the Human? piece). If anything worthwhile is removed from here, it'll likely end up there.

The Xxtarlit doc archives are temporarily not linked anywhre I'm in control of, but will be posted sometime soon. I will probably not continue working on it, it's far too draining and a bit traumatic still, but I will make sure both versions of the docs are archived and easily available as best I can. It's still up-in-the-air as to whether or not the archive will be hosted here on the blog or on arv0mastersite, but it'll be up regardless and I will make a post here once it is. TLDR; Xxtarlit doc coming sometime soon, and she's an O9A-loving (at least emotionally) manipulative & abusive rightoid who gets kids into DXM abuse; don't give her your money or time.

Created: 2023-01-28 Sat 11:50pm